About Keep Haralson Beautiful
Our Mission:
Encourage sustainable environmental practices in Haralson County through public education and community based programs.
Keep Haralson Beautiful was created by our local citizens to give everyone an opportunity to be an active part in transforming our own community - where we all live, work and play. When we take care of our environment, we're invested in changing our perspective of that environment. So, we've created open projects that involve all aspects of community improvement, such as recycling events, litter pickups, revitalizing properties and building green spaces.
Keep Haralson Beautiful is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Volunteers participating in our Cleanup Events, Litter Pick-Up on the Tallapoosa River, Recycled Electronics Program, school and public Activities for Children and Arbor Day are so important to reaching our goal of a clean environment and pollution free waterways. Download a FREE Recycling Tips flyer to help get the word out!
Your contribution counts!
The cumulative number of volunteer hours per event and amount or weight of litter/recycled items, including electronics, collected for our fiscal year represents a significant cost savings for our county. These calculations are reported on the annual Litter Index and Cost Benefit Analysis Reports submitted to Keep America Beautiful and is included in their annual report.

2024 Haralson County Impact
Total Volunteer Service Hours: 724
Collected: 32,6710 lbs. of Trash
Electronics Collected & Recycled: 5,431 lbs.
Total Tires Collected & Recycled: 18 Tons
Total Grant Funding: $22,420.00
Total Cost Benefit of Volunteer Hours
to the Community:
Meet the Keep Haralson Beautiful
Board Members!

Brian Krasielwicz, Chairman

Joe Couch
Georgia Department of
Transportation, Retired

Jentsie Johns
Haralson County Schools

Greg Poteet, Treasurer


Gail Priest
Executive Director

Suzy Montalto
City of Tallapoosa
City Clerk

Jason Stanley, Vice Chairman
Honda Development and
Manufacturing of America

Megan Ward
West Georgia Technical
College, Waco Campus

Betsy Stevens
Brownie Scouts Tallapoosa

Chad Smith
Haralson County Solid Waste Authority

Finance Committee: Treasurer
Planning Committee: Treasurer
Membership Committee: VC
Nominating Committee: Secretary
Fundraising Committee
Event Photos
Our community events are always filled with fun and accomplish so much for our neighborhoods and our environment. Take a look at some of the events we've sponsored!
The River Clean Up Event

Arbor Day Event

Litter Clean Up Event

Electronic Recycling Event