Electronics Recycling Event
Recycling the waste from electronics saves space in the landfills and prevents the environmental pollution caused by the toxins. Recycling also reduces the need for landfills in the first place. Goods made from recycled materials use less water, create less pollution, and uses less energy.
Benefits of Recycling
Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators.
Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals.
Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials.
Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials.
Saves energy.
Items accepted:
CD-Roms Printers Laptops Floppy Drives Fax Machines Servers
Circuit Boards Copiers Mainframes Power Supplies Scanners Hard Drives
Network Hubs Stereos Radios DVD-players CD-Players Dock Stations
Cell Phones VCR's Keyboards Gaming Consoles
LCD Monitors Batteries
Not accepted:
Projection/Console TV's Washers/Dryers Vacuum Cleaner Speakers
Gas Grills Battery Powered Tools
Coffee Makers Toasters Tires Freezers
Blenders Mixers Ovens Hair Dryers
Ceiling Fans Refrigerators Microwave Ovens
Join us for our Annual Electronics Recycling Event (October 11, 2025) at West Georgia Technical College, 176 Murphy Campus Blvd. Waco, Ga. Bring your computer monitors, printers, table top TV’s (NO CONSOLE TV CABINETS) and all your electronics for recycling. 9:00 am until the trailer is full. Volunteers are needed for this event. Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of those old electronics that you have stored.
Refer to our calendar for date and volunteer opportunities!
For further details email us at keepharalsonbeautiful@gmail.com