Litter Equipment Loan Program
To help you keep Haralson beautiful, we have litter pickup equipment that you can borrow! Organize your own clean up events and use our equipment to do it. Just fill out the form and we'll get you started! We can provide for up to 25 participants for your larger cleanup.
NEW! Now you can "check out" a Litter Kit from the Haralson County libraries. Just like checking out a book or movie. Go to your local library. Tell them you want to check out a Litter Kit. The librarian will take your name and phone number and list the date of check out. When you return your kit, it will be checked back in. Easy as that.
The kit includes one bucket, trash bag, vest, litter picker and gloves. Once you have completed the cleanup, follow instructions on the bucket to record your data. After the data is complete you will be entered into a drawing to win a Butter'dUdder gift card.

Equipment Loan Request Form: