Textile Recycling Event
Keep Haralson Beautiful is partnering with America's Thrift Stores to offer recycling options for your clothing and household items.
America's Thrift Stores supports local communities and The Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. They are a for-profit company and donate to the supporting partner and Children's.
What we accept:
If you wear it, we want it
Men’s, women’s and children's clothing
Men’s, women’s and children's shoes (even singles)
Lingerie, underwear and socks
Accessories such as: hats, gloves, scarves, ties, purses, wallets, backpacks, belts, etc.
Bed sheets, blankets, pillows, curtains, tablecloths and similar items
Bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths, bath rugs, etc
Kitchenware such as: pots, pans, utensils, china, vases, dishes, cutlery, glassware, silverware, etc
Miscellaneous items such as: jewelry, crafts, mugs, candle holders, baskets, ornaments, etc.
Hardback and paperback items
Records, tapes, CDs
Videos, DVDs, Blu Rays
Video games and consoles
Toys, games and puzzles
Mattresses/box springs
Used children’s car seats
Used pack n play cribs
PC’s, computes, printers
Box TV's
Construction materials
Firearms, stun guns and firearm accessories
Anything wet, mildewed or otherwise compromised in a way that may deem it as trash
The Textile Recycling Event will take place, (April 26, 2025) 9am - 1pm at West Georgia Technical College, 176 Murphy Campus Blvd. Waco, Ga. 30182.
*** Donations are appreciated! ***
Our sponsors include: